Sunday, September 27, 2009

I adopted a HUMMINGBIRD!

Okay, I know what you are thinking. A Hummingbird Extravaganza? You went, watched them band the bird you adopted, held him and fed him? Yep, I am officially a NERD! I use to think the little ole people going bird watching, etc., were just plain weird! Now I am one of them. I even have the official T-shirt! (No, I have not bought a "fanny-pack"!)
May I present to you Mr. Louie Ford Hummingbird.
My mom and I named him yesterday. We named him after my dad.
And Yes, I felt his little heart beat! It beat so fast I couldn't even count it! Then just as I started to touch him and stroke his back, he flew away........First they bring the hummingbird to the table and weight him. Louie weighs 4.0 grams. He is considered a "porker". He is FAT! He sure is cute though. Not as cute as you Dad! In this picture the man is trying to get Louie to eat.
Linda and Angela adopted one too. Linda's is a boy and Angela's is a girl!
Mari waited in line, but they ran out of Hummingbirds! She will try again next Saturday.

Then they band the little guy. Louie's number is H-27433. Whenever they capture him again or have information about him, they will pass that information on to me. Angela is a 4th grade teacher and her kids are going to see pictures of her new little girl tomorrow!
Next, they will try and feed little Louie.

I think Louie Ford likes that sugar water. Linda's new guy didn't eat much, but he was the fatest one of all, weighing in at 6.2 grams!

This is a better picture of his feeding. Cool huh?

"GONE FISHIN'!!!!!!!!!!!

David, Max and Dave. Max is completing his internship in Dallas. He lives in Germany and decided he wanted to go off-shore fishing with Uncle Dave and Cousin David. They mainly caught sunburns........
My youngest nephew Max! Girls he is a single man, currently in Dallas, Texas!

My favorite son! Also single, lives in Houston!


Lyd, Kathi, Dad and Mom, July 27, 2009
Lyd, Mom, Bobbi Jo, Tim, Deb...Where Kathi, oh yeah, she just left. Uh-oh, WHERE IS GRANDPA? Dad?

There's dear ole dad! I guess grandpa was ready to go, doggie bag in hand! Doesn't he look good for an 82 year old man?
Lyd, Tim, Dad and Mom
I spent all day with my dad and my brother Tim, we visited every relative we could fit into our schedule, then we met the rest of the family for dinner...BECAUSE it was my baby Brother Tim's BIRTHDAY!
Thanks for hanging with me, I know I had a good time, especially praying we didn't get into those BEES! Or rather those bees didn't get you and dad!

Dad and Tim and the limb they pulled down....The rope attached to the long limb........

Where this huge comb of BEES were driving my aunt crazy!!!!!!!!!!!

Lyd, Nancy, Tim and Aunt Coonie

Teaching Dad how to use the digital camera, good job dad!!!!!

Dad, Nancy and Aunt Coonie

Dad, Aunt Mildren and Uncle Budd


Kristina, John and I
You know I am so blessed! John was my preceptor at Methodist Cath Lab. He has to be the most patient man ever! John is a born again, single dad of 3 girls and 1 boy. I think one day he must have made me re-glove 5 times! I kept getting contaminated! I think John was wondering why Katrina hired me and why he had to be my preceptor! John taught me so, so, much! He calmed me when I got "nuts", and gave me a "pat on the hand", when I GOT IT RIGHT! He learned that if he didn't say "STOP", I would keep on going. He walked with me and Kristina to our remote car lot and gave me a ride when it was raining. John is clearly devoted to the Lord God and is raising his children in a Godly way. God Bless my John and encourage him to keep on witnessing for you. Give him strength and wisdom daily and continue to help him make a difference in the cath lab. And NO JOHN! Men are not the righteous ones! Re-read that scripture!
Kristina and Me

Kristina worked with me in the Cath Lab at Methodist. One day she told John and I that she wanted to ask us a question. "Why do I have to go to my Priest and ask him to ask God to forgive me?, Why can't I just ask God myself?" I was so excited! A few weeks and many conversations later, Kristina asked Christ into her heart! Hallelujah! It has almost been a year of watching her grow in the Lord, but it has been such a blessing. She blessed me so much and helped John and I so much in the Cath Lab. She pitched my table for me and helped we clean up the room when the case was over. She taught me (she says I'm not good at it) how to hold pressure the RIGHT WAY! NO HEMATOMAS! She helped me remember all the combinations to the staff areas. She walked with me the 2 miles to our remote car lot and keeps in touch today, even though I don't work there anymore! Love you Kristina, God Bless my friend and keep her safe. Continue to grow her up in you.

Linda, Kristina, Diane, John, Lyd, Gayle and Angela
Diane is such a great nurse in the cath lab! She works 1/2 of the week in the cath lab and the other 1/2 in the OR. She has taught me so much. She came and got me one day when I really knew I could never work in the cath lab again. She gave me one of the best pep talks ever! Thanks Diane for being my friend and God Bless you as you continue to walk in Him.
Of course you guys all know Linda and Gayle and Angela and how they are just good friends and help me laugh and keep me lifted up in prayer. Thank you God for fellow believers!

We enjoyed Mercy-Me before the game began!


Joli, Karen, Lyd and Sher
Joli and Sherry picked me up at the airport, then we met up with Karen and spent the entire afternnon talking, talking and yet talking! Nancy is not in the picture, she is on vacation with her husband. The 4 of us plus Nanc have been getting together since we graduated from High School. Jan and JK used to meet up with us too. Plans are to meet up again in October with Jan and talk and talk and talk!
Jan, Sher, Joli, Me, Karen, Lynn, & LaDonna

Some of the gang on Saturday Evening, at least the ones that stayed to "close it down"!

Sher, Joli, me and Karen (Nanc in thoughts!)

Sunday afternoon on Lake Conway

The 35th Class Reunion of Oak Ridge High School was a blast. You always wonder how these things will go. I think the funniest thing was Sherry's folks making sure we knew how to get there, that we had umbrella's and money, and then they were waiting up for us when we got home at MIDNIGHT! They stated that they were just watching a movie! How cool to be able to say with all honesty we went where we said we were going and we didn't toilet paper any yards! We sure missed ole Nanc though!

David's 24th Birthday Party! July 9, 2009, Baby Dave is now 24 YEARS OLD!

I called a few of David's friends and Dave. We thought David would love to celebrate at La-Casona. Although David won't believe me, I WAS NOT the one that told the waiter it was Baby David's Birthday!

Laura started calling David "Baby Beau" the night that David was born. She was saying Baby Boy and it sounded like "beau". As time went on she began to call him Baby Dave and Baby David. To this day, relatives and friends in Florida call him Baby Dave(id)!

Oh God Thank You for my Son! Thank you Lord that David is saved and on his way to heaven, continue to keep him safe and keep him in your ways. Thank you for his job and for all the blessings you have given him. I pray now for that young lady that will become his bride and for his future offspring. May David's wife be a Proverbs 31 girl. May David's children become believers at a young age. Help David to be a Godly husband and father. David you are indeed wonderfully and fearfully made! God Bless You Son!


Oldies, but goodies! This is the longest car-trip from Houston to Orlando ever! On June 27, 2008, Mari, Linda and I took off for Florida. I was delivering the Expedition to mom and dad and then staying through July to work for my friend Nanc at the "Orlando Colon & Rectal Clinic". The girls stopped everywhere, just to stop, "hey Starbucks!, let's get coffee". In Mobile, Alabama: "Hey Linda's grandmother on her porch, let's visit her!" "Hey Florida State Capitol, let's go!", etc. Thank you God for friends, I couldn't have made that long drive alone. Having just moved out of my home, leaving my "safe job", and going to work in Houston, at The Methodist Cath Lab. Let's just say, I was a fish out of water! Thanks Linda and Mari!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Click HERE to go to Laura's blog and see a recipe from the recipe book I am always referring to.

This is the recipe book that Ryan's family made as a fundraiser for Breast Cancer. Ryan's dad, Victor Holmelin passed away November 15, 2004, after a 16 year battle with Breast Cancer. Please pass this on to the man in your life that you love!

Is not my son-in-law, Ryan (Ry-Ry), so cute? He takes such good care of my bun-bun. That boy cooks, cleans, brings home the bacon, and most importantly HE PRAYS! God has blessed me with not only a wonderful daughter and son, but also a fantastic son #2, Ryan!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Not pictured this time Laura, the other gift presenter, (she was in Germany).
Then I spent the night with Hel & Jay, (the camera was missing, so no pictures of Hel). Then the memories began with Hel and I shopping at our favorites, eating, laughing, and catching up on things...........
Just when I think my kids "can't top this one", they surprise me yet again! The best present ever, a ticket to.........FLORIDA! I get to see my mom, dad & Hel-my mom-in-law, for Mother's Day. I don't think my offspring could have made me happier! God has truly blessed me with the best 3 kids alive! David drove down to spend the weekend with me, then after church he gave me the "TICKET"

Ava and Julius playing at Great Grandma & Grandpa's House.

Of course my other memories start with watching my great niece & nephew turning on the hose, filling buckets and picking up sticks, just as Laura and David used to do when they were around this age! Don't tell their parents that this is why they love Aunt Lydia!

I just love, love, love, MY FAMILY! My brother Tim, his wife Deb,
their daughter (my niece)-Bobbi Jo, Mom & Dad.

Bar-B-Que at Kathi's! Good Food, Silly Talk, Contagious Laughs....
Uh Oh...a tear :( missing them already
MEMORIAL DAY! My Family sporting "Red, White & Blue". Bottom Row: My nephew, Jonathan's kids Julius, Ava, Mom & Dad. Back Row, My Nephew's wife-Giselle, my Sister-in-law-Kathi,
My Brother-Tim & Debbie-Tim's wife

No "Girls Night Out" at the Movies this trip, but lots of laughs & tons of food! Julius, Mom, Ava, Dad, Giselle, Lyd, Kathi, & Debbie

Ahhhhh, a day at the Beach, Ben, Lesley & Justin............

Memories of long days at Cocoa Beach, strolling, collecting shells, & "The Windjammer" with my sister-in-law Ruth & my niece Lesley

Last but not least, memories of sailing in the Intercoastal in Cocoa & Melbourne, anchoring at "The Dragon", sitting under the Palm Trees, watching the sun set at Pineda......

So so good to see mom and dad, go to church with them, visit, laugh and sing around their table, listen to some of dad's stories, (he has new ones too!), then wake up to the smell of mom's cinammon coffee! Shhhhhhhh, don't tell them I'm going back for my class reunion in July! They will be so surprised. I just hope they are happy to see me again so soon!

Hopefully I'll have more pictures for you.........................

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Some of my Cath Lab buddies.....

Karen, Lydia and Brenda. Karen is a rad tech and Brenda a circulating nurse in the cath lab. They both have been so sweet to me! I'm so blessed to work with fun, young, nice folks!

Karen and her birthday "roasted pig", the pork was yummy!

Here is the gang at a Luau. We were celebrating birthdays, Ricky, Charmaine and Karen's.

Laura Ann's Visit to the USA, April 2009

Our precious Blue! He is guarding my apartment from the neighborhood cats
My two beautiful children, David 23, Laura 25Laura with good friends of ours

Luke and Levi Brooks,

Parents - Jonathan & Steph Brooks

Grandparents -Terri & Marc Holder, Janet & Don Brooks

Look how God has blessed these little guys! So Cute!!

One of Laura's best buddies, Lori Beaver Romans

Ryan's mom-Debbie, Lyd, Laura, Dave & Ryan at Ryan's 1st surprise party ever!

The proud parents and their favorite daughter!

One of Laura's other best friends, Jason Doxey.
Laura taking a picture of mama & her handsome devils!
Ryan, Laura & David

What a wonderful time we had. Ryan's surprise Birthday Party, Going to our home church and hearing Bro. Rodney preach and singing worship songs, Visits with friends, shopping, playing with Blue, our morning coffee runs, watching American TV, Bucees Ice Tea, Sonic Coney Island Dogs, Airport Shuttle for David and Ryan, late nights at my apartment with friends. We even helped my friend Janet with her grandbabies, Luke and Levi, one day. Most of all--the laughter, we laughed and laughed and laughed. I thank you Lord for bringing her home again, especially so soon. Keep my boys and Laura from harm and give them a special blessing for treating their mama so great and giving me the best Mother's Day ever!!!